International Heroes of Peace:
Write About a Peacemaker You Admire
The annual peace essay contest sponsored by the Richmond Peace Education is now open for entries. The theme for this year’s contest is “International Heroes of Peace.” The writing prompt asks students to think and write about Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, or another peacemaker they admire. Consider what that person accomplished, the qualities that helped them succeed, and how might we follow their example in our own lives and in our community.
This year’s essay prompt, contest rules, and entry form are available at Peace Essay Contest | Richmond Peace Education Center
The contest is open to any elementary, middle, or high school student in Virginia. A top prize of $100 is awarded in each of four grade divisions: K-3, 4-5, middle, and high school. Additional cash prizes are also offered in each division. Deadline for entries is April 28, 2014.
Entry forms, along with contest rules and a conplete description of the writing prompt are attached, and also available at, or by emailing