As the holidays near, here’s a fun way to get the kids involved in making wrapping paper, gift bags, gift tags, and holiday cards. You might also consider giving a set of kid-printed cards as a gift.
What you need:
- Seasonal fall veggies like sweet potatoes (carved and uncarved), broccoli, and celery. You can use raw produce scraps leftover from prepping dinner.
- Tempera paint
- Paper plate
- Art smock (optional)
- Newspaper, construction paper, card stock, blank cards

What you do:
- First, trim the vegetables so they are flat on one end for printing.
- Depending on kids’ ages, it may be important to explain these veggies are NOT for eating. Raw veggies will hold paint better if they are dry, prepare them ahead of the activity or pat dry before using. Broccoli: Use florets or cut in half lengthwise. Celery: Use an individual stalk for a “c” shape or the whole root end for a flowery print. Potatoes: Cut into shapes.
- Put a small amount of each color onto a paper plate.
- Use the stamps by first putting them directly into the paint and then firmly pressing them onto whatever paper materials you’re decorating.
- During the activity, talk to your child about different shapes each vegetable stamp makes and encourage them to identify and experiment with the paint colors.
- Show off your seasonally-inspired homemade prints by sharing them with friends and family.