Last fall, my husband and I marked twenty years of wedded-ness and to celebrate, we ate gator nuggets in Everglades City.No small feat, twenty years together, so we planned this…
Author: Karen Schwartzkopf
I am not one for making resolutions. For me, the whole thing feels like a cloud hovering over my head until it finally dissipates, just in time for Lent, when…
Christmas is a lot of work. This is news to absolutely no one. Especially moms out there reading. And single parents. And dads who split holiday-making and child-rearing duties fifty-fifty…
Christmas, crafting, and the joy of boxes.
Some of the most smile-inducing parenting memories I can conjure up involve meeting my kids in an elementary school cafeteria for lunch.There’s something about elementary school that announces to us…
Many of us remember where we were when the World Trade Center buildings were attacked in 2001. How can we share that sense of tragedy and loss with our kids?
It was my 6-year-old who set me straight on twenty-first century bullying.“Mommy, please don’t pack raisins in my lunch anymore,” she said flatly. “Nobody likes raisins and I shouldn’t eat…
“Funny how you’re the editor of this great parenting magazine and you’re really just winging it.”That’s what one of my daughters told me a few years back. I don’t remember…
Camping played a big part in our vacation planning over the years, until Mom had a run-in with a very hungry ostrich.
Have a crack at our quiz (or if you’re feeling brave, you might ask the wife or kids to take it!) And see where you rate. Which is it –…
We rode our bikes to the library that spring morning and a dad with his son took notice.“Wow! How long have you been riding, little lady?” he asked.The question was…
Because I have the privilege of filling this incredible space every month, I keep a running list of topics and themes that might work here. When ideas come, I save…