Author: Karen Schwartzkopf

Karen Schwartzkopf

Karen Schwartzkopf is the managing editor of RFM. She is passionate about word-smithing, sharing local stories, parenting compassionate kids, and cheering on the Miami Heat. She lives with her husband in the trendy West End where they raised three adult kids and one childish dog.

Karen Schwartzkopf RFM managing editor and writer

Christmas is a lot of work. This is news to absolutely no one. Especially moms out there reading. And single parents. And dads who split holiday-making and child-rearing duties fifty-fifty…

Some of the most smile-inducing parenting memories I can conjure up involve meeting my kids in an elementary school cafeteria for lunch. There’s something about elementary school that announces…

“Funny how you’re the editor of this great parenting magazine and you’re really just winging it.” That’s what one of my daughters told me a few years back. I…

Because I have the privilege of filling this incredible space every month, I keep a running list of topics and themes that might work here. When ideas come, I save…