For our latest “Coffee With…” installment, Margaret caught up with Missy Minton, executive director of Cameron K. Gallagher Foundation, at Bell Café for delicious lattes and lunch, plus a great…
Author: Margaret Thompson
Am I the only one who is brought to tears when a concert or play is just THAT good? I hope not.There are two sure-fire ways I know I’ve witnessed…
Margaret celebrates the coming of spring and all Richmond has to offer this season.
Meet Arden Varley-Twyman, director of Passages Adventure Camp and learn some fun facts about her as she prepares for her second season at the helm of this legendary RVA summer camp.
Happy New Year, RFM Readers! Meet our new editor, Christine, and learn about the exciting articles we have in our first issue of 2025.
The holidays are here and here’s another fantastic issue of RFM, bringing you ideas, advice, and things to do – all to help you make the most of family life!
It’s fall y’all, and we are here with another fantastic issue of RFM, bringing you ideas, advice, and things to do – all to help you make the most of your fall!
RFM team members recommend books they have enjoyed! “The Women” by Kristin Hannah is historical fiction that explores the contributions of women in Vietnam.
When Jane Smith moved to Richmond in the fall of 2018 to be closer to her daughter and three grandchildren, she quickly realized that she needed to find a way…
The heat is on, and we are here with another fantastic issue of RFM, bringing you ideas, advice, and things to do – all to help you make the most of your summer!
It’s full-on get outside time in RVA, when the pollen is gone, and the humidity hasn’t kicked into high gear just yet. Pick up the new issue of RFM today!
“Altar Boyz” is a talent-packed ninety minutes and is showing at Swift Creek Mill Theatre through Saturday, April 20!