Hanover County Parks and Recreation invites female and male youth, ages 6-15 years to the NFL’s Punt, Pass and Kick competition. This free event will allow participants to successfully throw 1 pass, kick 1 punt and 1 placekick. The first place winners in each age bracket (6 – 7, 8 – 9, 10 – 11, 12 – 13, 14 – 15) will advance to the sectional competition to be held in late October/early November with the possibility of advancing to the national finals to be held at an NFL playoff game in January. Sorry, no cleats permitted.
Though onsite registrations will be taken, pre-registration is recommended. Participants are required to provide an age verification document when checking in and a registration form with parent/guardian signature at the event.
To register and for more information on the NFL Punt, Pass & Kick competition, please visit: www.NFLPPK.com
August 8
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Courthouse Park – Multipurpose Field 7, 7232 Courtland Farm Road, Hanover, Virginia 23069
For more information, contact Hanover County Parks & Recreation, www.hanovercounty.gov, 804-365-7150 or email: parksandrec@hanovercounty.gov