Clean out your closets of all things denim (shorts, pants, jackets etc.) to support Chesterfield County PTAs and Goodwill’s community-based programs. Denim Drive Dates are Wednesday, 8/21 – Sunday, 9/22. Prize Awards Ceremony to be held at Chesterfield Towne Center Thursday, 9/26
Event Details:
•This year’s goal is an aggressive one — to collect 20,000 denim items. Last year’s event yielded over 17,000 denim items, this year’s goal is a challenge and a stretch to the community.
•Denim collection site will be at Chesterfield Towne Center
•By meeting the collection goal, the denim will have approximately a $90,000 value to Goodwill Industries and their community programs.
•Cash prizes totaling $10,000 will be awarded to the PTAs of the schools that collect the largest number of denim items.
•Double denim points will happen this year on Saturday, September 14th. Each denim item will count twice on this day for your school.
•Prizes will be awarded to the top three elementary, middle and high schools: First place, $1,000 Second place, $750 Third place, $500
•In addition, the school that collects the most denim will receive a $500 bonus. The 11 schools with the next highest totals will receive awards of $250 each.
•A special ceremony will be held at Chesterfield Towne Center on September 26th to present the prizes to the winning schools. Where: Chesterfield Towne Center 11500 Midlothian Turnpike Richmond, VA 23235 804.794.4661 – Photograph and Camera Crews Welcome –