In this issue:

Operation Valentine!
Support Our Troops

Beat the Winter Blahs
Surviving the Great Indoors

Take the Plunge
Watery Winter Fun

Learning Disabilities
What You Should Know to Help Your Kids

Take the Plunge with These Watery-Fun Excursions

February is the perfect time to escape wintertime doldrums and plunge into a world of water-based entertainment – the warm weather kind. Give your kids the thrill of facing off with a leopard shark or conquering the perfect surfer’s wave. Aquatic discoveries at aquariums and indoor water parks guarantee gallons…

Beat the Winter Blahs!

It’s winter and cabin fever can hit before the end of the first week, especially after the twentieth chorus of There’s nothing to do! However, when it comes to beating winter boredom, we Richmond parents are both experienced and creative. Often this requires unplugging the gaming systems and temporarily turning…

Learning Disabilities

When her son’s teacher contacted her about his inability to stay focused and complete tasks, Alisa Brookshire was angry. She says, “At first, I thought it was the teacher. I thought she was making issues out of minor differences in my child’s schoolwork.” But after listening to the teacher’s argument…

February 2010 Publisher's Page

It’s the month of love and hearts and all that other mushy stuff. Of course, Valentine’s Day is much different as a parent than it was before kids. Before…roses, fancy dinners, and chocolates. Now…cookies, cards for the classmates, and conversation hearts. The whole notion of love is different now, too. Back in…

Sick-Day Solutions

Illness in our house has been limited to the standard stuff: viruses, strep throat, croup, strep throat, pinkeye, hand foot and mouth disease – and did I mention strep throat? My boys come home regularly with notes saying an illness has been reported at school. Then comes the dread of…

Can’t Buy Me Love … Or, Why We Don’t Spend Money on Valentine’s Day

To be honest, I’m not sure of the exact words she used. But I do remember thinking: My daughter is absolutely brilliant. In fact, I may have said something along those lines to the woman standing next to me in Target trying to decide between the Hot Wheels and the Ninja…

Down! Set! Huh?

The reason I watch the Super Bowl (and I’m talking about the actual football game, mind you, and not just the commercials) is because I am a caring and concerned father. Being a caring and concerned father is also the reason I play golf, and the reason I occasionally let…

Cell Phone Shopping

While I stood mesmerized in the cereal aisle, overwhelmed by the great wall of boxes, I tried to remember if it was Fruit Rings or Fruity Hoops that I had been instructed not to buy. One of them, I had been warned repeatedly, was flat-out bad. In 2009, also known…

Kids & Sexuality

A 2007 survey from the Centers for Disease Control showed that 48 percent of high school students have been or currently are sexually active. Fifteen percent of them said they’ve had at least four sexual partners. Not surprisingly, the survey also revealed that one in four American girls aged 14…

Handmade Hearts

When it comes to kids and homemade Valentines, the trick is to keep it simple. If you’re thinking mass production, it’s best to minimize steps and supplies. These colorful postcards fit the bill perfectly   What you need: Washable paint in a range of colors. (Think beyond pink and red!) Sponge Paper…

ARC Camp Baker

One of the places where Leander Spencer, 17, feels most comfortable is in the water. But according to her mother, Katherine, there were few local programs where Leander, who has a severe form of autism, could swim. Fortunately, the Spencers discovered Camp Baker in Chesterfield County, twenty-two wooded acres near…

Expert Answers to Parenting Questions

Q: Things disappear when my daughter’s friend is visiting our house and I don’t know how to handle it. I am convinced this girl (she’s 14) is stealing items from our home. She and my daughter are very good friends. I know her parents, but not very well. Where do…