In this issue:

Take a Hike!
Shenandoah with the Family

Makin’ It in the Middle
Life in the Sandwich Generation

Why We All Should
Talk About Diversity

Take a Hike!

We were awakened that morning by shuffling sounds outside our tent. Nearby noises are common in a campground so we weren’t concerned, but this time we decided to poke our heads out to investigate. Close to the tent, munching on mouthfuls of dew-covered grass, was a nonchalant white-tailed deer. My…

Makin’ It in the Middle

Fortunately, Nana is strong and stubborn and survived both surgery and weeks of rehabilitation. Nevertheless, the medical crisis took its toll on her strength and stamina. A long recovery meant new questions. How long would she need assistance? How long could she remain in her home alone? What if there…

Talk About Diversity

Despite living in a country that guarantees basic freedoms to all, struggles with issues of race and tolerance are recurring themes in our society. How do we raise our children to respect differences, when diversity is so difficult to discuss? Kids can surprise you with some doozie questions. Local parents…

September 2011 Publisher's Page

Yes, Coco, my 5 year-old’s beloved bear and best buddy, is getting old. If one year equals seven for a dog, I think a much-loved stuffed animal’s one year must equal about twenty. Truth be told, I wasn’t crazy about Coco when he first joined us. He wasn’t one of…

Family Eats

I married a breakfast guy. He also has a very genuine appreciation of dinner, a healthy respect for lunch, and a love of the culinary arts in general, both process and product. Conversely, I am not a foodie. This is one of those things you put in the opposites-attract bucket…

Thinking About Dog Ownership

Thinking about adding a four-legged canine family member to your household? Whether you are a family of one or six, having a furry addition just seems to make a house a home. The new dog could join Dad on his daily jogs, keep Mom company when the children are at…

Dad Checks Out

Once upon a time, back-to-school was strictly interpreted to refer to school-aged children. When children went back to school, parents went straight to happy hour. But, in yet another sign that our country is declining into a sad twilight of its past brilliance, back- to-school now includes parents, as well.…

Picky Eaters and Talk-Reluctant Teens

Q: My 16-month-old is becoming a picky eater. I know a healthy balanced diet now will contribute to good eating habits in the future, but he seems to reject anything unless it has a sweet taste. How can I get him to try healthy foods? A: Children between the ages…

Whale-Done Art

What you need: • Two large pieces of cotton or felt fabric • Scissors • A pencil or pen • Fabric glue, needle and thread, stapler, or low-temp hot glue gun. (There are several ways to connect the two pieces of fabric for the soft sculpture. Adults should direct kids in choosing…

Connor’s Heroes Foundation

  No parent can imagine hearing the words, Your child has cancer. When Moses and Jerusha Joshua learned that their 2-year-old daughter, Meesha, had stage four neuroblastoma last year, it was a reality the couple had to face. As they were still trying to understand what their journey into the…

5 Quick Fixes

1. Chicken Piccata Cook one package of wide egg noodles according to directions. Lightly coat 1 lb thinly sliced chicken breast with bread crumbs and cook in 1 tbsp olive oil in large skillet over medium-high heat until golden brown, 3 to 5 minutes per side. Arrange chicken on serving…

Family Leave

In the last few weeks, five of my mom friends have welcomed new babies into their families, and two more are expecting this fall. Visiting them reminds me of how precious newborns are – and just how much time they take. Amidst the cuddles, there are cycles of feeding and…

Safe Sleep for Baby

We’ve all heard Mother Goose’s lullaby “Rock-a-bye Baby.” While even new parents agree that a treetop is not the place for an infant, can they rest knowing their baby is safe in his crib? Nearly ten years ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) initiated the Back to Sleep campaign…