I absolutely love bringing books to life through hands-on experiences. My children are both interested in history and love to read biographies. Our most recent read, learn, and go experience was in honor of President’s Day.
We read Who Was George Washington? by Roberta Edwards as a read aloud over several days. (Pro-tip: If your kids love biographies, you must check out the Who Was? Series!) After reading, my children worked through a few pages of the Junior Ranger booklets from The National Park Service. Then, we set out for some experiential learning.
George Washington Birthplace
About an hour away is George Washington Birthplace, a National Park with free entry. While here, you can see a replica of the home where the First President of The United States was born, ask questions of knowledgeable rangers, hike trails, have a picnic, and even splash in the Potomac Beach where Washington may have once played as a child!

My children also finished their Junior Ranger booklets during our visit and earned their official badges.
Mount Vernon

Another option for hands-on learning about George Washington is at Mount Vernon. I was surprised by how much time we could spend at George Washington’s estate! In addition to touring the mansion, a visit to the Education Center, and visiting the grounds – a must see is George Washington’s Distillery & Gristmill. If possible, try to visit on Family Day.
On these designated days, there are a slew of activities for families including crafts, several presentations by interpreters, specifically geared towards children.
I love using books as a starting point for family adventures. Here’s another Read, Learn, and Go experience to try!