Together we can empower individuals with disabilities through the Virginia Down Syndrome Association (VDSA) virtual speaker series, beginning on February 20. The series takes place over four nights in February (20, 22, 27, 29) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Each night of the series offers two chances to learn from and connect with experts in the field and people sharing their firsthand experiences living with Down syndrome and other disabilities. One ticket price gets you access to all four nights and the session recordings. Attend one or all eight from the comfort of your own home – just choose what fits your schedule.
The theme of the series this year is Dismantling Ableism: Empowering Individuals with Down Syndrome to Thrive. The talks will offer perspectives and practical tools for anyone living with, educating, or working with an individual with developmental disabilities. Topics range from fostering independence, working with challenging behaviors, transitioning from secondary school to adulthood, and the latest in assistive technology.
Scholarships are available from the VDOE/VCU for families and educators. Contact Sherry Klauer for more information
To sponsor this event, contact Alison Markow at
Spanish and ASL translation are available, but you must register by Friday 2/16 for these services.

Full speaker line up:
Tuesday, February 20
Full Life: Setting our Kids Up to Thrive as Adults
Amy Julia Becker, mother of an individual with Down syndrome
More Alike Than Different
David Egan, self-advocate with Down syndrome
Thursday, February 22
Empowering Emotional Regulation and Prosocial Behaviors
Sarah Schmitt, Behavioral & Educational Consultant
Fostering Independence
Dana Halle, Co-Founder & Executive Director of the Down Syndrome Foundation of Orange County California
Tuesday, February, 27
Assistive Technology: Supporting Independence
Dr. Anya Evmenova, George Mason University
Competence, Autonomy & Relatedness
Kendal Swartzentruber, Brandon Stees, self-advocate with Down syndrome
Thursday, February 29
Know What to Ask: Advocating for My or My Transition-Age Child’s Long-Term Needs
Holly Peele, Director Northstar Career Center
7:30-8:30 pm
Just Human: The Quest for Disability Wisdom, Respect, and Inclusion
Arielle Silverman, Disabled activist, Social scientist, and Author

Register on the VDSA website.
Mark your calendar for other VDSA events and see the website for more details!
Order socks for Rock Your Socks for World Down Syndrome Day
Dancing with the Stars Gala: June 13th, Altria Theater
Step UP For Down Syndrome 5k and Family Festival: October 12th, Dorey Park