AIP Roadmap Series

Advocates in Parenting 1617 Monument Avenue, Suite 202, Richmond, VA

Understanding and addressing racial trauma presentation by Gene Cash, LCSW, LISW-S, CEO, Executive Director, Counseling Alliance of Virginia (CAVA) ...


Reading with Your Child

Advocates in Parenting 1617 Monument Avenue, Suite 202, Richmond, VA

Advocates in Parenting's Roadmap Series is excited to welcome Kimberly Fehrs, Project Manager, Imagination Library RVA for the next presentation for parents and professionals. Discuss building literacy, healthy emotions, and relationships. ...


Advocates in Parenting Roadmap Series: Preparing Youth to Launch

Advocates in Parenting 1617 Monument Avenue, Suite 202, Richmond, VA

A panel discussion about preparing youth for independence, balanced daily life, and healthy social relationships as they launch into young adulthood. A presentation and time for Q&A with their expert panel of educators, mental health professionals, and parents. ...

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