Rich Soil

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden 1800 Lakeside Avenue, Richmond, VA

Inspired by the movements and gestures of Alvin Ailey’s dance composition “Revelation”, artist Kristine Mays’ expression of the human form through wire pays honor to the ancestors — those that walked, lived and tended to this land. Explore 29 life-size sculptures presented in 7 groupings located in iconic areas throughout the Garden. ($, Free for members) ...

Event Series Story Time

Story Time

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden 1800 Lakeside Avenue, Richmond, VA

Gather for story time outside under the oaks in front of the Kelly Education Center. Children can also participate in a craft or hands-on activity. (Weather permitting; indoor location is the Library). ($, Free for members) ...


Great Backyard Bird Count and Vision Screening

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden 1800 Lakeside Avenue, Richmond, VA

A fun-filled morning counting birds and celebrating nature. Plus, a vision screening during story time in the garden, and explore the beautiful garden spaces. ...


Virginia Orchid Society Presents A Taste for Orchids

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden 1800 Lakeside Avenue, Richmond, VA

International and local DVM vendors will be selling beautiful orchids in the LGBG Education Building. Artists from around Virginia will participate in a juried art exhibit and have their artworks on display. VOS members will provide lectures, tips, and demonstrations about growing orchids in your home. Hobbyists and professional growers will be bringing plants for ...

Richmond Family Magazine makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, you should always call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information.

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