Author: Angie Shay

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Angie Z. Shay has worked in the financial services industry for more than 22 years. She is president of THE PATH Financial Strategies, LLC. Angie Shay is a financial adviser with Eagle Strategies LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company. THE PATH Financial Strategies, LLC is not owned or operated by Eagle Strategies or its affiliates. Neither THE PATH Financial Strategies, LLC or Angie Z. Shay provide tax or legal advice.

Small businesses and home-based startups have this in common: the desire for success. Whether entrepreneurs seek big business profits or a little extra cash, certain basics apply, including business organization,…

When you have children, it’s like God flips a switch. You may go from living in the moment to wanting to make future plans – including financial plans for your…

Risk is everywhere, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. With financial risks, some are obvious, others are hidden. The big question is, which financial risks should you…

February is the month of romance – a time when we reflect on those who make our lives sweeter just by being there. Words that are seldom spoken may be…

Resolution season is in full bloom, but unfortunately very few end up being successful. So instead of making half-hearted resolutions for your family’s finances, why not start with a simple…

There are endless types of insurance available in the marketplace, so how do you know which you should own? As a general rule, the public should own insurance that protects…

Now in my mid-forties, I’m noticing creases on my face. What earlier were slight hints of a life filled with laughter are now full-blown lines. I’m aging, and I really…

A strategic plan is a compass for business. It gives direction, helps organizations make good decisions, and supports balance. Typically, it involves collaboration and helps employees confidently say yes or…

Home refinancing should not be based solely on an interest rate, nor driven by the prospect of an early pay-off alone. For many homeowners, not a week passes without this…

Why do lots of kids think that money grows on trees? Why do some want everything they see? Why are retailers’ shelves at just the right level to annoy me,…

April 15 will be here oh-too-soon, so following are some tips I’ve gathered through the years. Evaluate and update your deductions. With health insurance premiums soaring and incomes unchanging or…