Author: Tony Farrell

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Tony Farrell has written about parenting for many books, magazines, and websites. The father of two, Tony’s work appeared in the DadZone beginning in 2009.

Uh-oh, she’s making those sounds again – the grumbling, the whining, the full-throttle complaining. I’ve tried to ignore it, but it’s not fair to put her off any longer, especially…

He’s downstairs on the computer. She’s up in her room checking Instagram. Mom is deep into another book on her iPad. And me? I’m glued to a tiny smartphone, checking…

So look what I found. Here, on the top shelf, behind the gravy boat, next to the porcelain teacups we never use. It’s an old sippy cup, scuffed and scratched…

Here on the icy summit, I don’t mind telling you what’s flashing through my mind: Do my legs still have it in them? After all, it’s been almost 20 years…

Dear Santa, Yes, that’s right. It’s me. After all these years. You were probably expecting letters from my children, weren’t you? Well, keep your eye out; they’ll be along shortly.…