Author: Tony Farrell

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Tony Farrell has written about parenting for many books, magazines, and websites. The father of two, Tony’s work appeared in the DadZone beginning in 2009.

It seems we’ve come here to see her dance a hundred times before. The girls get older, the routines get smoother, and, well, a dad can’t help but notice that…

It’s not an exact science. There is no formal certification. But I can tell you that the path to my current status as duly recognized poopologist was long and arduous,…

I know it’s out here somewhere. The college our daughter has been looking for. And as we make our way down endless highways and byways in search of it, my…

But I am telling you it won’t fit!” “Yes, it will!” “No, it won’t. See how wide it is? Here, look at the tape measure.” “What does the tape measure…

Oh, the tears, the tears. How hard it was to hold them back and keep from blubbering inconsolably at the thought of it, the sight of it, the realization that…

All right, c’mon, now, hurry up, kids! We need to get cracking – beds made, wastebaskets emptied, fresh towels on the racks. And would someone please find a clean washcloth…