Bon Secours Virginia Health System has been named as one of 2017 Working Mother “100 Best Companies” for its outstanding leadership in establishing policies, programs, and a corporate culture that supports the career advancement of women, workplace flexibility, on-site childcare, and paid parental leave.
This marks the nineteenth consecutive year Bon Secours has received this recognition from Working Mother magazine.

“Supporting and investing in our employees helps us deliver our mission of providing quality, compassionate care, and it’s simply the right thing to do,” said Jim Godwin, vice president, human resources, Bon Secours Virginia Health System. “We strive to create a progressive culture in the areas of advancement of women and family-friendly resources which allow all employees to flourish at home and at work.”
Working Mother editor-in-chief Meredith Bodgas said, “This year’s winning companies know the value of keeping their employee moms engaged and supported. They use schedule flexibility, paid parental leave and family benefits to ensure that parents can develop meaningful careers while leading satisfying home lives.”
Bon Secours will be honored at an October 24 gala in New York City. Whitney Major, a labor and delivery nurse at Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center in Midlothian, will represent the organization as the 2017 Working Mother of the Year.
Whitney received support from her Bon Secours family through the donation of hundreds of hours of paid time off when her husband was diagnosed with brain cancer and she was thirty-five weeks pregnant. She took a leave of absence for several months, which allowed her to care for her family. “I have a wonderful support system of co-workers and colleagues who have gone above and beyond for me,” said Major.
With a female workforce of about 82 percent, Bon Secours is committed to progressive workplace programs that support working mothers. Some of these programs include:
• Job flexibility – phasing back in after maternity leave, compressed work weeks, job sharing, telecommuting, shifting schedules
• Paid maternity and adoption leave;
• College scholarships for children and grandchildren of employees
• Ongoing job development and advancement opportunities.
The 100 Best Companies are featured in the October/November issue of Working Mother and on