With the holiday season in full swing, you’ll want to keep this issue of RFM handy all month long. I’ve heard readers say they keep their copy in the front seat of their cars after they read the articles, for quick access to the RFM calendar while they’re out and about. You may even want to keep an extra copy on your nightstand or coffee table, so you can make plans when you finally have a chance to relax after a long day. There are so many fun events in and around RVA this month, we couldn’t fit them all into this issue, so you should also hit up our website for even more festive things to do (and you’ll find more details on events there, too).
We are truly blessed to live in a town like Richmond that is so rich in the arts and entertainment. And we are giving you a chance to win tickets to some of our favorite RVA holiday happenings. Just look at all the great options for families to the right – you’re going to have a blast! But enter soon, we’ll draw the winners in time to give you a chance to redeem your prize and make some RVA memories to last a lifetime.
Good luck, and Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah from all of us at RFM!