Virginia State Parks offer families a variety of ways to enjoy outdoor recreation, from camping to nature-based classes. As Richmonders, we are fortunate to have Virginia’s largest state park, Pocahontas, only about 20 minutes from the city.
Here are several ways to enjoy Pocahontas State Park:
Ranger-led Programming
If you are new to hiking, nature exploration, or the park itself, try one of the many ranger-led offerings. The first few times I took my children to Pocahontas, I was intimidated by the size of the park, and did not know where to begin, so we did ranger-led hikes, as I learned my way around the park.
For ages 3-5, try Caterpillar Club, a nature-based class with a short lesson followed by a simple craft. While the recommended age is 3-5, all are welcome (you will see a large age range). Caterpillar Club is held every Thursday in the pavilion near the playground, and it is completely free, including the parking.
If scheduled classes aren’t your thing, consider printing the Junior Ranger packet and bringing it along on your adventure. This will give your children (and you) a loose guide and built-in activities. Eventually, your child can complete enough tasks to earn the Junior Ranger badge.

Because the park is so expansive, you can visit many times, but try new trails with each visit! Some of our favorite kid-friendly hikes include: Beaver Lake, where you can stand on a floating dock, Forest Exploration Trail, and the hike to Split Rock. Split Rock is a huge rock along the Co-Op Trail. Once we get there, the kids love to climb to the top of it and enjoy their snacks while taking in the views.

For water enthusiasts, there is no shortage of opportunities for fun at Pocahontas. The Swift Creek Lake is a popular spot for boating, and there are tons of bass in the water here. If your child gets frustrated while fishing because they don’t catch anything, try fishing here! You are bound to catch a bass.

Other opportunities for water play include several creeks, and the popular Aquatic Center, a large water park.
Read more about the Aquatic Center at Pocahontas State Park and other water parks!
Packing up an easy lunch and heading to Pocahontas is one of my staple outings. It is inexpensive, and even if we don’t do anything else, just being outside helps us all feel more balanced. An easy picnic area is the pavilion by the playground. The playground is in direct line of sight, so while your kids play, you can keep an eye on them, from the shaded picnic area.
For something more serene, try Bright Hope Butterfly Garden, a hidden gem, tucked away from the main area of the park. There are plenty of flowers, lovely sitting areas, and you will see butterflies and other pollinators.

Pocahontas is my preference for the first time camping with kids, because it is close enough to home that if anyone gets homesick, or you forget something essential, like a lovey – you can easily drive home. I also appreciate the layout of the campsite. There are playgrounds, bathrooms, and a paved trail surrounding the site. For tent camping, I recommend site 25, as it is closest to the bathrooms. Other lodging options include: yurts, cottages, and cabins.
We love to see Richmond families enjoying the outdoors! Tag us on social @rfmtoday in your family’s next outdoor adventure!