Browsing: Parenting

Okay, here we go, let’s see if we can get you to catch. It’s just a tiny flame at first, gnawing away at the edge of some crumpled newspaper. now…

Q:My 12-year-old daughter is constantly judging kids and commenting on what they wear and how they look. This is new behavior for her. I’m worried that if she feels okay…

About a year ago, my friend invited her mother-in-law to move in with her, her husband, and their two school-aged children. And my friend did so willingly. Enthusiastically, I might…

When I was much younger, I made a promise to my future children.I would never answer their questions with the despised dismissiveness I so commonly received to my own (incessant)…

Do everyone a favor. Start working on your 2011 tax returns right now. Now is the time to get your act together, rather than at eleven o’clock at night on…

If you’ve got a kid racing toward 15-and-a-half, you’re probably already stomping the imaginary brake pedal.Or maybe, willing time to slow just a bit. Learning to drive is one of…

That’s okay, kids. Go ahead and laugh. I don’t mind. After all, it’s not every day you get to see your dad crawling across the wet lawn on his stomach,…