Yes, Your Honor, I understand the nature of these charges. And yes, I am aware that these proceedings allow me the right not to incriminate myself. Most of all, I…
Browsing: DadZone
Staying ready, staying organized, staying anxious about being ready and organized. What parenting with ADHD looks like from Sam Davies.
Writing at my desk the other morning, I heard the chop-chop-chop of a kitchen knife. It was Atticus, slicing bananas and strawberries. The cutting was followed by the shoveling of…
Oh, joy. They’re home. For the summer. Don’t get me wrong. Their mother and I have been aching for months to have them back in our newly empty nest. Lucy…
How does a dad react when people praise him for getting his trans child’s pronouns right, respecting their identity, and loving, loving, loving them – as parents do.
Careful! Cut away from yourself.” My seven childhood trips to the ER make me stress this rule more than most. Levon ripped open the cardboard. He was ready to get…
The smooth greens. The stately trees. The academic buildings that beckon all who walk along the paths that cross the vaunted quad. It’s all just how you remember it –…
How to have the holiday you have and let go of the stress other folks create.
Before sixth grade even started, the rumors swirled. Everyone said Mrs. Lamb was tough, mean, and scary. Even guys from other schools knew her students were prisoners. But there was…
I remember when we got it, of course, back in that long-ago December when I decided that it was time for my boy to have a basketball hoop of his…
I’ll start running,” my son announced during dinner. “Really… why?” “Three miles, three days a week – for a phone.” A few hours before this declaration, I shared the story…
Well folks, it’s been a year. A year of quarantine with my wife and two children. A year of school at home, work at home, everything at home. It’s been…