Browsing: DadZone

It’s not an exact science. There is no formal certification. But I can tell you that the path to my current status as duly recognized poopologist was long and arduous,…

The summer of 1986 meant riding my Schwinn Thrasher eight blocks to Lafayette Pharmacy where I cashed in my nickels for a bag of assorted Jolly Ranchers. The loot cost…

My family is going to the beach this summer. I’m writing it here so it absolutely, definitely happens … maybe. Sharing it here increases the likelihood that we will go to…

I know it’s out here somewhere. The college our daughter has been looking for. And as we make our way down endless highways and byways in search of it, my…

Three years ago, I drove to North Carolina, met a stranger through Craigslist, and brought home a Boston terrier puppy. That was the breed of our dog years ago, so…

But I am telling you it won’t fit!” “Yes, it will!” “No, it won’t. See how wide it is? Here, look at the tape measure.” “What does the tape measure…