3rd Annual K9 Veterans Day Memorial Dog Walk

Virginia War Memorial 621 South Belvidere Street, Richmond, VA

Bring your pup (or just yourself) and participate in this event to recognize dogs in military service. Activities include a 0.9K Dog Walk with stops along the way to learn about Military Service Dogs throughout history and a dog caricature portrait artist. ...

Event Series Storytime at the Memorial

Story Time at the Memorial

Virginia War Memorial 621 South Belvidere Street, Richmond, VA

Special educator-led readings of history books. Every program includes a group reading of the selected history-themed picture book and a craft activity related to the text. Every month is a new theme and book. The suggested age range for participants is 4 to 10 years old. For more information: Lizzie Oglesby Elizabeth.Oglesby@dvs.virginia.gov   ...

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