In this issue:
Katherine O’Donnell and Richmond Region Tourism, Virginia State Parks and why we love them, that work-from-home hybrid lifestyle, summer health hazards for kids, how SNAP works, and more!

RFM Bookshelf: “Send for Me” by Lauren Fox
This work of historical fiction is a family portrait that spans generations and the ocean. Working from family letters she discovered as a college student, Lauren Fox crafted Send for Me – a heartbreaking portrait of three generations of mothers and daughters and a poignant look at the meanings of…

Old Engine, New Spark
Dad, I want to get my boat license.” I liked Atticus’s goal, but we had a problem. A few months back, our 1956, 10hp Johnson was smashed by a tree. There was something about that quirky old engine that I liked. It was no thrills. No fluff. Simple and easy. Pull…

One of Our Best Parenting Decisions
From the growing up as the youngest of six kids file, I have two vivid memories of physical punishment at home. Not to bore you with details, but there was a smack from my mother and a swat from my dad. Both were delivered impulsively. Both were probably deserved –…

Where Virginia Is On SNAP
The largest federal hunger relief program in the United States, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps more than 877,000 Virginians statewide and brings an additional $150 million to Virginia’s economy. Not only does SNAP help families afford food, but for every dollar spent on SNAP, another $1.50 is injected…

Help Your Kid Build Financial Skills for Life!
Ever feel like chores are the ultimate snooze-fest? From folding laundry to washing dishes, they’re the tasks we love to hate. But hold onto your brooms because here’s a secret: These mundane responsibilities might end up being the key that can help unlock your child’s understanding of economics and personal…

4 Virginia State Parks We Love!
I grew up in Virginia but didn’t spend a lot of time hiking or camping. My family did not visit many state parks, and in fact, my only experience with Virginia State Parks was tagging along for my brother’s cross country meets at Pocahontas State Park. Today, hiking, playing, and…

How to Win at Crafting!
This summer, athletes from around the world will challenge each other at the Olympics! Share this winning attitude at home by celebrating the important people in your life with a homemade medal. While Olympians are winning gold, silver, or bronze medals, you can use your handmade medals to spread joy.…

Parenting Questions Answered by a Pro
Q. I have four-year-old-twins who will turn five in July. Only one of them seems ready for kindergarten this fall. Would you advise waiting until next year for both of them, sending them together, or separating them? A. There are too many variables specific to your children and your family for this…

Heading to the Beach with Your Dog?
One of the best things about living in our area is the ability to take a day trip to the beach. Another great thing is that dogs are allowed in Virginia Beach all year round, even though hours and some areas are restricted from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Dogs…

Navigating the Hybrid Existence!
Spring of 2020. For many of us, it was a sudden, non-negotiable transition to an all-remote professional and family life that demanded immediate adaptation. Sometimes, painful adaptation. In contrast, the return-to-office trend has been realized in fits and starts, highlighted by a lot of trial and error from both employers…

Inside Tourism! RRT’s New Leader Katherine O’Donnell
The O’Donnell family has plenty of experience exploring Richmond and its surroundings.Of course, that’s not a surprise, given that Katherine O’Donnell has worked with Richmond Region Tourism (RRT) – the local nonprofit that promotes the area to business and leisure travelers – for nearly all her professional life. Katherine O’Donnell,…

Summertime Greetings!
The heat is on in our river city, and we are here with another fantastic issue of RFM, bringing you ideas, advice, tips, and tricks, plus a ton of things to do across the region – all to help you make the most of summer in RVA. I’m writing this…

Girls on the Run Greater Richmond
After their mother died, sisters Dorothy-Grace and Hope moved to the Richmond area with their dad Tim. One of Dorothy-Grace’s teachers suggested Tim enroll his child in Girls on the Run Greater Richmond (GOTR) to help build her confidence, community, and communication skills as she navigated her new world. “She…

Summertime Safety Challenges!
It’s summer and children are outside playing sports, attending camps, and working summer jobs. They’re on playgrounds, at friends’ homes, and swimming. While we want them to have fun (it’s summer break after all!), it’s important to be mindful of potential injuries. More activity means more opportunity for accidents. As a…

Make-at-Home Copycat Treats!
Photo: Brittany Mullins Healthy Starbucks Lemon Loaf 1 ½ cups whole wheat pastry flour or all-purpose flour1 teaspoon baking powder½ teaspoon baking soda½ teaspoon salt2 eggs¼ cup avocado oil¾ cup pure maple syrup or granulated sugar2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice½ tablespoon lemon zest¾ cup full fat Greek yogurt Lemon Glaze¾…