Browsing: Health

Ah, the sounds of spring! Unfortunately, I am not talking about birds chirping, bees buzzing, or neighborhood brooks babbling. I mean the sneezing, snorting, sniffing, and coughing many Virginians suffer…

Chances are, you know someone living with obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD. Children, teens, and adults suffer from this serious, and sometimes debilitating, mental health problem. There is good evidence to…

While weight loss tops most New Year’s resolutions, one Richmond-area family of five is kicking off 2018 with an incredible head start: They’ve already lost a combined total of 398 pounds. “We’ve lost [the equivalent of] a whole person, as each…

Imagine the problems of a typical suburban teen: Calculus test? Girlfriend issues? Not sure what to wear to prom?Most people don’t picture heroin addiction.I would say that we’re just a…

At a recent social gathering, a friend of mine mentioned some ringing in her ear. She said it had been keeping her up at night and she wondered if she…