Browsing: Health

Are there sounds that drive you up the wall? Does pen-clicking, gum-smacking, or knuckle-cracking send you into a tizzy? Depending on the severity of your irritation, you may have misophonia,…

Every five years, the dietary guidelines for Americans are updated based on current scientific and medical knowledge. Introduced in 1990 under the National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act,…

Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, affects 10 to 30 percent of children and adults in the US. Allergic rhinitis refers to inflammation of the nasal passages caused by…

Grief. Unfortunately, it’s something we will all experience as part of being human. Of course, children experience grief too, and when they do, they will think, feel, and express themselves…

Would you have guessed that tooth decay is considered the single most common disease facing America’s children? Five times more common than asthma, nearly 4.5 million children (more than 25…