Browsing: Learning

All over the world, people use masks for different purposes: for ceremonial or religious gatherings, on stage to entertain, or to hide an identity. In the Congo Basin of Africa,…

Lynn Reed and her daughter Hana Reed Voight share more than just a family tie. They share a passion for learning. That’s why each ultimately chose teaching as a career.…

Few words conjure up as many feelings of dread and doom as the word homework does for school-aged children. Many view homework as a daunting task that keeps them from…

Since the early 2010s, screen use has increased significantly with the rise of smartphones and similar digital tech that enables easy access to entertainment media, such as the Internet, social media,…

Story Topics and Themes for Your Cube • Summer vacation cube: Use different squares for different parts of the adventure, such as places, people, weather, and activities. • Patriotic cube:…