Browsing: Vacations

The long, sonorous call of a train whistle and the hypnotic rhythm of wheels across the seams of the steel rails can capture the attention of a small child and…

I don’t find amusement parks all that amusing. My idea of an amusement park is the library. You have New Bookland, Non-fictionland, Magazineland, and my happiest stop at the end…

What is it that makes Hawaii so special? In poll after poll, it ranks as the top vacation destination for families. But is it really worth the long trip for…

There’s a lot to love about Disney Cruise Line’s newest ship, the Disney Fantasy, especially for a Disney fanatic like myself. The 4,000-passenger ship captures not only the latest in…

Just hearing the song “Home for the Holidays” conjures up images ranging from “Dixie’s sunny shore” to “Pennsylvania and some homemade pumpkin pie” – except, perhaps, for the hosts with…

Believe it or not, there’s even more to Disney World than the fantastic fun at theme parks. Our series wrap-up includes resort options and accommodations during your stay. Any parent…

You can’t effectively plan your Walt Disney World Resort vacation without charting out the parks and the attractions you want to visit. That’s a lesson Richard Conti, director and chief…

At first, my husband couldn’t understand why I was so passionate about this huge undertaking. He had visions of the triplet part of the equation – our son’s kids are…

Ever consider riding a roller coaster in the company of penguins to celebrate the holidays? How about enjoying a Christmas meal in a colonial tavern, or drinking hot cider on…

This year, the Blue Ridge Parkway marks its seventy-fifth anniversary. Generations of visitors have made annual fall pilgrimages along this scenic 470-mile span to view the changing colors of the…

If you think fireworks are only for the Fourth of July, think again. Fireworks light up the sky throughout the year. You’ll see them on major holidays, at high-end weddings and…